Do YOU want LIBERTY? Do YOU want DEMOCRACY? Do YOU want a REPUBLICAN FORM of Government? The desire for LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY, and a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT, is the definition of an AMERICAN. These are the three components of AMERICANISM. But before you can answer these questions, to know if you truly are an American, you need to know What Birth on the Land (the US of A) does NOT make you an American and a Texan. Birth on this Land, or Naturalization, may make you a Citizen, but your beliefs, values, internal convictions displayed in outward There are many Americans around the world who are NOT citizens of our United States. They do not live on our Land. But They need education - or they need to be exposed for who they really are and removed from positions of public trust. Americans are those of a Religion that is in addition to any other Religion they may subscribe to. I call it a RELIGION because Americans take on Faith what the Law Givers for the Law of our Land (US of A) referred to as SELF-EVIDENT. We [AMERICANS] hold these TRUTHS to be SELF-EVIDENT: Every Human Person has Rights Government does NOT create Rights Law does NOT create Rights RIGHTS of the INDIVIDUAL exist independent of Law and Government Law is a human creation, a tool, created for the purpose of securing Human Rights Government is a human creation, created for the purpose of securing Human Rights Where written in Constitution Law, and by Statutory Law as additional protect, these are
Unfortunately, many born as Americans do not know this IS the definition of AMERICANISM, and what it means to be an American. The definition is found in our UNANIMOUS Declaration of Independence, dated July 4, 1776;
AMERICANISM is the Click on “Informed Citizens” to return to the Home Page |