Some of our citizens have joined together to bring attention to the ABUSE OF PROCESS by Attorneys who operate in the private sector.
The objective of INFORMED CITIZENS is to bring attention to the ABUSE OF PROCESS by Attorneys who operate in the public sector.
Our Texas and US Economy is divided into two economies. There is the private sector, this is where private citizens and business provide goods and services to the economy. Then there is the public sector. The public sector is where a monopoly, known as government, provides goods and services to the people who pay for these goods and services with their tax dollars. Those employed in government entities, by election, appointment, or hire, are public sector employees known as public servants. The purpose for the creation of LAW is to protect us, the private citizen, from our public servants. A secondary function of law is to protect us from our fellow private citizens and other people, domestic or foreign..
Public Sector Attorneys have brought our Judicial Department of Government, also known as our COURTS, into disrepute.
Our Judicial Officials are responsible for this. They have refused to hold government employed attorneys accountable to the law.
Judicial Officials, right on up to those serving in the highest courts on our land, have neglected and refused to do their legal and fiduciary duty.
Not only have they refused to hold these servants accountable to the laws that govern their position of public trust, many of them have even aided and abetted them in depriving us, the people of Texas, the citizen of our State, of the benefit of the Liberty and Justice they are paid, and have a duty, to provide in exchange for the regular compensation they receive from the public treasury funded by our tax dollars.
INFORMED CITIZENS is working to make our Legislative Department of government for our Land of Texas aware of this malfeasance and working with our legislature to address this lack of honor public sector Attorneys and Judicial Officials.
Fundamental to our system of Law and Government is the Right secured by our Constitution to DUE PROCESS OF LAW.
Incredibly, there are Attorneys and Judges who are of the opinion and belief that we, the people of Texas, the citizen, are subject to PROCESS, but NOT to a process governed by LAW. They conveniently ignore the “OF LAW” part of this fundamental Right secured in our Constitutions.
The “OF LAW” part means that Court Officials, primarily Judicial Officials and Attorneys, as well as Clerks,
are subject to the Law that governs their positions of public trust.
The prevalent attitude among the majority of our Judicial Officials, and Attorneys employed in our government, is that they are ABOVE THE LAW. And, in practice, they have become so. It is time for us, the people, the public, the taxpayers who provide them with their income & benefits, to demand our servants in the Legislative and Executive Departments of government for our State hold the public servants operating in the Judicial Department of our government (our Courts) accountable to the Laws that govern their positions of public trust so that we may, once again, have our right, secured by our Constitutions, to DUE PROCESS OF LAW. So that LIBERTY may be preserved, and JUSTICE established.