courts, with neither the purse nor the sword to enforce their
rulings, are especially dependent on the confidence and good-will of the
the courts are at once both so important and so fragile, they must be upheld
and maintained by the best efforts of all Americans, whether judges,
lawyers, jurors, court personnel or citizens.
As Chief
Justice Harlan Fiske Stone once opined: "The law [referring to
the Legal System created by the Law] itself is on trial in every
case." But the rule of law is also on trial when our Court
promulgates rules of evidence or procedure. [referring to the
"Practice" of Law] Across the world, citizens
of emerging countries recognize that the rule of law is essential to
self-government, and that the surest guarantors of the rule of law are
respected, independent courts. But these new nations, like ours, have
found that