The language used is of this time in history. Rather than use
the word "unalienable" the word used is "inherent". To insure there would be
no misunderstanding of the definition of the word "men" the word used is
"Human Person" - the same as was meant by the word "person" and/or "citizen"
referred to in our 14th Amendment to our Constitution.
The words
are different but the Truth,
a self-evident Fact, remains the same.
Today it may be said there are more Americans outside of the fifty states, we
identify as the United States, than there are within the territory under the
jurisdiction of this Declaration, and the Constitution established to enforce
it, as the supreme Law of the Land.
Hard experience and
long study have revealed that it may be said the last place you will find the
supreme Law of the Land is in the judicial Branch of Our government, among the
Bench and Bar, the Judges and Attorneys, where the Law is administered by
those under an Oath of Honor to support the supreme Law of the Land.
Will you help us to
preserve our identity? Will you help us to maintain the definition of America
within these United States?
To do this we
restore the Rule of Law established by Our Declaration and Our Constitution
that so many have so often fought, killed, and died for.
What it means for You
You are an indirect victim of a fraud that dwarfs any
government or financial, you have previously read about. In our
courts you have been the subject of Extortion and Plunder by those acting Under
the COLOR of Law (illegal acts presented in violation of supreme law but
disguised as law).
Your Life, Liberty,
Pursuit of Happiness, and Property secured in this pursuit, are at stake.
You, and
those you love, will not be safe until we unite and act.
If not already; at some time in
the future, you will be a direct victim. You probably
have been; but, do not fool yourself. The probability is it will happen
again. Act or be Acted
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How We Will Do It
Please first
read some words of support by Follow the Doors to Knowledge and
Proceed in Sequence
Next - A quote
from current Public Servant, The President of the United States, George W.