Freedom Vs Authoritarianism Political Warfare today is not between liberals and conservatives. It is between the "freedom" and "authoritarian" impulses of both camps. This is something we have recognized and is just now gaining recognition with the public at large. Syndicated columnist William Raspberrys recent editorial "Order at the expense of freedom too costly" is an example of this. He explained it this way (some paraphrasing on my part): Our US, and State, governments have become large enough to become self-serving organizations. The leadership of both parties is now comprised people who have government jobs and most of their active members are also government employees. As a result the authoritarian factions of both parties now rule because authoritarianism means bigger government. It means government has a bigger share of our income and government has more freedom in how they act. Which means less freedom for us. Instead of justice via the rule of law we have arbitrary rule whereby government is free to disregard the laws that protect us from tyranny to protect themselves from accountability. But you would not know this from the propaganda that dominates our news. The propaganda artist have the media repeating the lie that the public wants this so they can feel safe, protected, served by government. No; both the parties want this because it increases their power and control over us while freeing them of our power and control over the government. At todays Universities you will find an entire series of courses devoted to teaching those intending to work for government on how to persuade the public to fund whatever project they may dream up. Every government entity now has a "public relations" department (translation would be "propaganda" unit) with people and personnel working at taxpayer expense to devise ways to persuade the media to promote their agenda. As a result the public member who is uninvolved in politics is called "mainstream". Any member of the public who becomes aware and involved is labeled "extremist" and "anti-government". We are not extremist because we exercise our civic duty to be informed and voice our opinion. We are not "anti-government" because we believe in accountability. But this is what todays media would have the general public believe. Where do they get this idea? It comes from the "public relations" (propaganda) units of government agencies that want to keep you and I un-involved. So this is where we need to focus our attention. It is a propaganda war between us. The civic minded citizens who desire a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" aka "freedom" on the one side. Versus the "authoritarian" members of both liberals and conservatives, who call themselves democrats and republicans, seeking to perpetuate their government employment without accountability to the taxpayers that pay for it. If extremist be one who is civic minded and involved then let them call me extremist. If anti-government be one who demands justice and accountability from those who live off my tax-dollars then let them call me anti-government. |