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Re: Spokesperson for TJC Umbrella

Category: EVENTS
By: ed
Date: Sep 07 2002
Time: 16:27:


The Texas Justice Coalition IS, I repeat, IS, - A UMBRELLA ORGANIZATION.

Marsha, with AVIDD, has successfully highjacked the Rally and gained complete control of who, what, when and where, concerning the Rally. However; the Rally alone will not achieve the objective of the Coalition which is to Sunset the State Bar. The Initiative must be broad based.

Image is NOT everything. The numbers of people supporting the initiative is THE ONLY THING in a Democracy or, if you prefer, Republic (Representative Democracy). It is the only thing that will work in our system of government where we must pursuade our elective representatives to do what we are requesting. That is; to Sunset the State Bar of Texas.

Marsha assumes that others, whom he does not like, are harmful to the "image" of the initiative. She does not realize it is equally true that others, that do not like her, or are opposed to the other objectives of AVIDD, consider her and AVIDD to be equally, if not more, harmful to the "image" of the initiative.

As of now we have no 'designated spokesperson'. We all speak, equally, for the sole objective of the initiative, under the Umbrella of the TJC, with unity of one purpose. That is to Sunset the State Bar of Texas.

Last changed: 09/07/02