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Category: ISSUES
By: Harvella Jones, President and Co-founder of The Texas Homeowner's
Advocate Group
Date: Sep 04 2002
Time: 00:46:
Texas homeowners please be aware that your homestead rights have been taken from you due to a 1987 caselaw called Inwood vs. Harris. Your homestead is not protected from HOA foreclosures. Prior to your purchase, the developer placed a one-party contractual "empty" lien on the land which supersedes your homestead designation. Article XVI, Section 50 of the Texas Constitution was never amended to allow the exception of contractual lien HOA foreclosures. There are only two (2) ways to amend the Texas Constitution and the Inwood vs. Harris caselaw is not one of them. The legislators or the voters are the two ways to amend the Texas Constitution. The Texas Homeowner Advocate Group is asking you to write, call, fax or email your legislator and ask that this violation ends and also ask you to support The Jones Bill submitted by Harvella Jones, co-founder of The Texas Homeowner Advocate Group. This bill will stop the unconstitutional HOA foreclosures and place a cap on attorney fees. This bill does not interfer with deed restrictions and enforcement of these deed restictions. Deed restrictions may be enforced through injunctions and fines. Let's stop these unconstitutional foreclosures and run-away attorney fees next session!!! You may view the bill at http://www.stoptexashoaforeclosures.com. Go to the sitemap page and click on The Jones Bill. Also available on site is a petition. Please print and obtain signatures. For free membership in the group send an email marked "SUBSCRIBE" to Thedoubles@aol.com.