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Category: EVENTS
By: ed
Date: Aug 30 2002
Time: 15:14:
The plan that was made was to start setting up about 4 am to avoid the traffic and the pedestrian traffic going into the building we are setting up in front of.
A very good argument for starting earlier was made by someone who was not able to attend our meeting. Someone with direct experience in doing what we are doing. Many people will stop by to pick up our material on their way into their place of employment. We hope the material will entice them to come back and listen to the speakers when they have their lunch break. Others may have other plans for lunch or be working through their lunch or having lunch in the building and not want to come out into the heat, or rain, or whatever weather we may have, or will not have a long enough lunch break. By having some people there earlier we can get some material into their hands.
Any objections to this? Do you want to dictate to others in the coalition how they use their time? Or is their some other concern you have with them showing up earlier? Some volunteers may not be able to be there between 10 and 2.