George wrote

    In my frequently blunt way, I got the groups attention and
stated that the question of government jurisdiction had been
settled at Waco in 1993 and no one had challenged them
sufficiently since then to change things. The government has
jurisdiction because they got more guns and will use them
with impunity (so far). That question is settled.
    With that said, my comment on this guys article is that I
agree with him to about 95% of what he said.
Absolutely right George. I do not know why it is so very difficult to get people to understand what you succinctly illustrate. I guess it is a refusal to accept harsh reality.
People can say "I have rights", they can wave around a piece of paper showing their rights. They can say they are free. They can wave around a piece of paper that says they are free. They can say a judgment against them is void. But can they stop a void judgment from being enforced?
But they have no rights in fact if those rights cannot be enforced.
They are not free if they have no protection while doing that which a piece of paper says they are free to do.
The Constitution, the Law, the Bible can have words that say "you can do this, or you can do that" "you are free to do this, you are free to do that" "the law protects you from this or that", "god protects you from this or that". Do they? Words are meaningless if not enforced.
As it is now; anyone clothed with a semblance of the color of law is free to disregard any and all rights of any of us anytime they want with complete impunity. They can deny us any and all of our personal freedom anytime they want with or without legal authority. Their "title" gives them that as a right they have because we have allowed it. Judges rarely enforce any of our rights and, when they do, it is very selectively. They protect unwritten "rights" of government authorities and the powerful. Judges have granted themselves absolute, arbitrary, despotic power. They have passed that on to our President and right on down to a part-time deputy constable or prison guard. That is the reality. The rest is just hot air.
The very purpose for the creation of law is for our protection. But it was not long before it became a tool used to deny us protection.
It is time we enforced our Right to Rule them and make OUR law enforceable.