to maintaining a
monopoly on truth to permit the sale of justice to the highest
Ignorance is truly Bliss. We all learn this as we grow older and wish we could return to our childhood days when ignorance allowed us to believe in Santa Claus. For those that have no fear; I encourage you to read on.
For thousands of years people have tried to maintain a monopoly on the truth. For thousands of years people have offered justice for a price. Is there any real justice if it is only available for a price? And what about truth? Is justice anything more than a search for what is the truth and what is fair (equitable among each and all as equals)? How can those who maintain a monopoly on truth and provide justice for a price every provide either?
How do these people maintain their monopoly on truth? How do they maintain a system that offers justice only for a price? The answer is “magic words”. The answer is “blaming the victim”. If you did not receive justice it is not the fault of the Courts, the Judges, the System, the government, the Church, Society, etc. It is your fault. You, the victim, just did not know the “magic words”. These are only available for a price. If you pay an attorney, or if you pay to attend my seminar, or if you buy my book, or if you purchase my tape, I will give you the “magic words”. You will not only receive “truth” and “justice” but you will get even more. You will not have to pay taxes, you will never pay for a speeding ticket, you will get a big windfall from a lawsuit, you will have wealth and freedom that others only dream of, etc. etc.
I can tell you a lot about magic words and blaming the victim. I have been through it. I have studied all the magic words. The entire profession of Judges and Lawyers is nothing but the study, learning, and then sale, of magic words.
I was victimized by government employees acting without any “jurisdiction”, or, in the words of those who do not know the magic words, they were acting completely outside of their duty and authority under the Constitution and Laws of this Nation, this State, this County, the Bible, etc.
The Judges of our Courts, at both the State and the Federal Level, acted without any “jurisdiction” or authority, in total abrogation of their duty under the Constitution, even in abrogation to their duty to God as a human. They did this to protect criminals because the criminals possessed “Titles of Nobility”. There may not have been a direct, traceable, bribery in the form of an exchange of cash. But they were suborned by offer of the sharing of political power that fellow government employees might later be able to confer upon them (the Judges of the State and Federal Courts) if they protected the fellow members of their “union”. A Union which they do not speak of but all who survive government employment secretly acknowledge. A union that pits “The People” as enemies of those employed as the people’s servants. The servants are now the masters of “the people” and we are challenged to show them they are not. When we attempt to do so we are labeled “anti-government”, or “terrorist”, or in some other way discredited and oppressed. Only truth will set us free.
I have all the documentation and have been through all the hoops. But; of course, those that know better will tell me it is all my fault that I have not obtained any justice. I used the word “pro se” in my pleadings when I should have used “sui juris”. I did not address the Court’s “jurisdiction”. They join the Court, the Lawyers, and the union of government employees in blaming me, the victim, for the crimes I was subjected to. But; for a price, they will “sell” me what I needed to know. I have heard this many times before.
JURISDICTION: under our system of government, as a nation under the Rule of Law, with the people as Sovereign, and the Constitution as Supreme Law, it is not the duty of the citizen to know the jurisdiction of the Court or of that Judge. It is the duty of the Judge, under solemn oath, to know the limits of their jurisdiction. It is the duty of the Judge to make sure, regardless of the verbiage, linguistics, magic words that are used, or that are lacking (not used), to know the if “jurisdiction” exits. They are BOUND to the limits of their authority granted by “the people” through the Constitution, as Supreme Law of the Land, from which they obtained their title.
PRO SE or SUI JURIS: It is immaterial what label you choose to put on yourself. I fully understand the word definition game. It is an extension of the magic word game. Some would argue that Slavery was legal because of the way they chose to define “person”. They can continue to believe this if they like. Under the current definition of “person” that is used in our Courts today, on every level, Only those with a man-given title, recognized by the courts as a “Title of Nobility” are defined as “persons”. You and I are slaves without any rights, privileges, immunities, or protection of the law. They like to redefine words. I will stick with the definition of “person” as “human being” regardless of any age, gender, race, religion, occupational title, rich or poor social status, or other label you want to impose upon me and others. All humans are, first and foremost, a fellow human being – a PERSON.
You can try to play the magic word game in our Courts. You may win a few. A Judge may not want to bother with the case and let you off of a speeding ticket, payment of taxes, etc. But I can tell you from hard lessons of my own that you will not win them all. When it comes to using magic words, the Lawyers and the Judges are the masters. It is; in sum, the very art and purpose of their profession. It is what they sell. It is how they maintain a monopoly on truth and sell a pretense of “justice” to the highest bidder. In the process they deny truth and justice to all. When their soul is added to the equation they will find they have denied truth and justice to their own selves as well.
Of course; I may be entirely wrong in what I perceive to be the “truth”. I look forward to hearing from those who want to tell me how wrong I am. I promise I will not be offended by whatever language, “magic words” you choose to use. But; if you attack me with sticks and stones, I may be.