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Our Mission

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Carved into the stone above The Supreme Court
 Of The United States Of Americ

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 Our mission is to restore the Rule of Law to that portion of our nation

Under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals

What it means for You

You are an indirect victim of a fraud that dwarfs any you have read about. If not aready; at some time in the future you will be a direct victim. You probably have been; but, do not fool yourself. The probability is it will happen again. In our courts you will be the subject of Extortion and Plunder by those acting under the COLOR of Law. Your Life, Liberty, and Property is at stake. You, and those you love, will not be safe until we unite and act.

Act or be Acted Upon

How We Will Do It

Never in history have the means been more available. But, possibly, never before has the mission been more neglected. The Law is simple and should be understood by all and accessible to all. The public has been led to believe it is too complicated and too difficult and should be left in the trust of others. It has been replaced with the Color of Law. We will Restore the Law with Education and Hold Accountable those we have Selected, through Election or Appointment, to positions of sacred trust. We will expose those who have brought dishonor into our Courts, our system of Justice, and upon our Nation. We will implement the means to provide for their replacement with those of honor.