Disciple: A pupil or follower of any school, learning, etc.

Liberty: Not confined; free, permitted to do or say something, freedom or release from slavery, captivity, or any other form of arbitrary control, the sum of rights and exemptions possessed in common by the people of a community, state, etc., a person who leads an unrestrained life.

Creed: A statement of belief, principles.


PURPOSE: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

                     Happiness only comes from the pursuit of a worthy goal.

                     Our Purpose is Liberty as the means to the preservation of Life.


CREED: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident: That All Humans are Created Equal

Endowed by their Creator with the Inalienable Right to “Life, Liberty, and the   Pursuit of Happiness”. Only with Equal Rights can we secure Individual Rights. Equality secures Liberty. The purpose of Law is to secure Equality.


ORGANIZATION:  We are organized through “Cells of Liberty”. You first become a member by accepting an invitation to join a cell. The first goal of each cell is to have no more and no less than 12 members. The cell will meet regularly to study and promote Liberty as the meaning of “Life” as necessary to the preservation of “Life”. This means that each cell must have fun, “the pursuit of happiness”, while they join together for their Purpose. Upon, or before, forming a group of 12, the Disciples will each become the founder of another cell. The objective is for each person to be the member of 2 cells. The cell you joined and the cell you become the founder of. Of the 12 disciples in the cell you founded all but you, the founder, will then go out to be the founder of a new cell.


POWER:  Our power is in the secret of the numbers of disciples. No one will ever know how many Disciples of Liberty exist. Each person will only know the names of, at maximum, 24 Disciples. Only 12 of which know each other. Among any 12 there may be a Judas. By this secrecy the Judas, if there is one, will not be able to crush the Disciples of Liberty because they will not know the names of the other members. The existence of a parent cell is not divulged. As a Founder you suggest the idea for Disciples of Liberty was your own. Those who join later must accept that they do not know if it was or not. Disciples may inquire about, and offer support, in the formation of cells below but not inquire about cells above. Disciples will not share names of Disciples in cells below. This aids in creating our power because each cell will always have the power of numbers that those opposed to liberty will not know. We do not know if we are 12 or if we are Billions. Therefore; no enemy of liberty can ever know. This is a potent weapon in the promotion of our purpose. Secrecy is necessary for the protection of our lives.


DISCIPLES DUTIES: The first duty of each Disciple is to make the best effort to meet regularly with the other Disciples of their cell and maintain harmony within the cell. The second duty of Disciples is to make their best effort to found a new cell and, also, to meet with these new Disciples regularly. Duties thereafter are determined within each cell.