The Courts have chosen to
violate their duty by agreeing among each other to establish Policy known
as "stare decisis" which they now treat as "Law" above
the Constitution in violation of the
Supremacy of the Constitution.
The Courts refuse to enforce some laws against the wealthy or connected
while, at the same time, refuse to recognize others, including
Constitutional Rights, of groups of select identification and Individuals
who do not have wealth or political power. The members of the judiciary
have agreed among themselves to create and follow policy
designed to create procedural hurdles they may use to frustrate the
majority of individuals who try to enforce their right to the protection
of the Law.
The very reason for granting a Federal Judge an appointment for life
was to insulate these Judges from any dictates to rule in anyway
contrary to the Constitution - Their duty is to follow the Constitution
and not the dictates of other Judges or other branches of the government. They can be removed from office only for violation
of their Oath to be bound to the Constitution. They should be and this is
an issue we the people must now address.
It is a treasonous fraud that has become so accepted this nation no
longer bothers with Constitutional Amendments as all Judges simply follows
the dictates of the higher Courts in replacing all human rights with a
forced enslavement to those with title, power, and money in denial of
equality resulting in imposition of injustice upon us all! They have made
themselves an Oligarchy that is above the law and Rule like Kings with
discretion to grant titles of nobility on people of wealth and position!
They have made government clerks overseers for those they titled as Noble
Slave Masters.
Dereliction of Duty by the Courts has always existed to some degree.
Slavery was never "legal" under the United States Constitution. But the
Constitutional Prohibition against slavery was not enforced until the
leadership of Lincoln. Enforcement of Federal Law that was unpopular
in the Southern States was the cause of the Civil War.
Beginning in the 1970's, a new Elitism took over the Supreme Court and
the usurpation, the taking, of power away from the people has been
accelerating every since. It will, ultimately, lead to our nation's
destruction. It is the root cause for the breakdown of law and order,
anarchy, and injustice we see today most evident in the Fifth Circuit Court of